Dr. Meza is a current Co-Investigator/Project Lead in an Advanced Laboratories for Accelerating the Reach and Impact of Treatments for Youth and Adults with Mental Illness (ALACRITY) Research Center Grant (P50 MH126337-01A1). The Project within this Center Grant that Dr. Meza collaborates on focuses on suicide/self-harm risk and care strategies among ethnoracially minoritized East Los Angeles Community College students. Using the Center methods and sample of 800 students, our project evaluatesdistal and proximal risk and protective factors (including STAND treatment offered and received) for suicide/self-harm using baseline and time-varying predictors to identify indicators of “suicide/self-harm risk states” that emerge prior to the onset of suicidal/self-harm behavior and may allow delivery of just in time interventions to prevent suicide/self-harm behavior. Second, we evaluate the impact of STAND with driven tier assignment and adaptation, compared to standard adaptation, on suicide/self-harm outcomes. Finally, we aim to enhance the effectiveness of STAND for suicide/self-harm prevention by evaluating a technology-enhanced suicide prevention intervention (TE-SPI) that combines intervention components with demonstrated benefits in prior research: safety planning; a digital intervention that prompts safety plan use, skills, and hope; and caring contacts.